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Below are all of Dr. Lau's publications

Refereed Journal Articles

Liaw, M. J.-J., Botelho, M. J., & Lau, S. M. C., (submitted). Insights from intra-active events of bilingual and biliteracy learning text production as process. The Reading Teacher.

Tian, Z., & Lau, S. M. C. (submitted). Translanguaging flows in Chinese word instruction: Potential critical engagement with transvisuality in children’s artistic representations of Chinese characters. Pedagogies: An International Journal (Translanguaging and Multimodality [Special Issue]).

Lau, S. M. C., Brosseau, M.-C., Maegerlein, E., LeRisbé, M., & Blandford, M. (accepté). Soutenir les apprentissages des étudiants immigrants par des approches plurilingues : collaboration d'enseignants de français et d'anglais langue seconde pour favoriser l'utilisation de stratégies transférables de lecture et d'écriture. Revues le langage et l'homme.

Van Viegen, S. & Lau, S. M. C. (forthcoming). Becoming critical sociolinguists in TESOL through translanguaging and embodied practice. TESL Canada.

Lau, S. M. C., Botelho, M. J., & Liaw, M. J.-J. (2021). Text production as process: Negotiating multiliterate learning & identities. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 1-17. doi:10.1080/15348458.2021.1896969

Lau, S. M. C., Brosseau, M.-C., Maegerlein, E., LeRisbé, M., & Blandford, M. (2020). Supporting immigrant students’ academic and social integration: ESL and French college teachers’ collaboration in promoting cross-linguistic teaching of language and strategies. Canadian Modern Language Review, 76(4), 293–312. doi:10.3138/cmlr-2020-0001

Ballinger, S, Lau, S. M. C., & Quevillon Lacasse, C., (2020). Cross-linguistic pedagogy: Harnessing transfer in the classroom. Canadian Modern Language Review, 76(4), 265-277. doi:10.3138/cmlr-76.4.001-en.

Ballinger, S., Lau, S. M. C., & Quevillon Lacasse, C. (2020). Pédagogie interlinguistique : exploiter les transferts en classe. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 76(4), 278-292. doi:10.3138/cmlr-76.4.001-fr

Lau, S. M. C. (2020). Translanguaging as transmediation: Embodied critical literacy engagements in a French-English bilingual classroom. Australian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 3(1), 42-59.

Lau, S. M. C. (2019). Convergences and alignments between translanguaging and critical literacies work in bilingual classrooms. In Z. Tian and H. Link, Positive synergies: translanguaging and critical theories in education. Journal of Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts. 5(1). [Special issue], 67-85. doi:10.1075/ttmc.00025.lau

Dezutter, O., Lamoureux, K., Thomas, L., Lau, S. M. C., & Sabatier, C. (2018). Le rapport à l’écriture d’élèves de sixième année du primaire suivant un apprentissage intensif d’une langue seconde, Nouveaux cahiers de la recherche en éducation, 20(2), 4-23. doi :

Thomas, L. & Lau, S. M. C. (2017). Les pratiques d’écriture en français et en anglais langue second d’élèves de sixième primaire participant à un programme d’anglais intensif. Vivre le primaire, 30(4), 60-62.

Lau, S. M. C., Juby-Smith, B., & Desbiens, I. (2017). Translanguaging for transgressive praxis: Promoting critical literacy in a multi-age bilingual classroom. Critical Inquiry for Language Studies,14(1), 99-127. doi: 10.1080/15427587.2016.1242371.

Lau, S. M. C. (2015). Intercultural education through a bilingual children’s rights project: reflections on its possibilities and challenges with young learners. Intercultural Education, 26(6), 469-482. doi:10.1080/14675986.2015.1109774

Lau, S. M. C. (2015). Relationality and emotionality: Toward a reflexive ethic in critical teaching. Journal of Critical Literacy: Theories and Practices 9(2), 85-102.

Lau, S. M. C. (2013). A study of critical literacy work with beginning English language learners: An integrated approach. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies. 19(1), 1-30.

Lau, S. M. C. (2012). Reconceptualizing critical literacy teaching in ESL classrooms. The Reading Teacher, 65(5), 321-326.

Lau, M. C. (2010). Practising critical literacy with English language learners: An integrative approach. (Doctoral dissertation, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, 2010). Dissertation Abstracts International, DAI-A 72(7), 348.

Non-Refereed Journal Articles

Blandford, M., Brosseau, M. C.; Lau, S. M. C., LeRisbé, M; Maegerlein, E. (2019). Une approche plurilingue pour favoriser l’apprentissage du vocabulaire chez les cégepiens allophones. Correspondance : La revue web sur la valorisation du français en milieu collégial 25(2).

Lau, M. C. (2006). Can questions be the answer?: Promoting ESL students' academic and critical literacy through collaborative student inquiry in literature-based discussion. Contact, 33(3), 43-52.

Lau, M. C. (2003). Youths in postmodern Hong Kong: A study of Bauman’s postmodern life strategies and their exemplifications in <Yes! Magazine> and among its readers. Unpublished master’s thesis, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Lau, M. C. (2003). Cultivating critical thinking skills through reading with young ESL learners. Journal of Basic Education, 12(2), 191-210.

Refereed Books and Book Chapters

Lau, S. M. C., Liaw, M. J., & Botelho, M. J. (submitted). “Did you get what you want?”: Negotiating critical translanguaging teaching and research in dual language classrooms. In L. Shepard-Carey & Z. Tian (Eds.), (Re)imagining the future of translanguaging pedagogies in classrooms through researcher-practitioner collaboration. Multilingual Matters.

Lau, M. C. (forthcoming). Critical ESL education in Canada. In P. G. Price (Ed.). The Oxford Encyclopedia of Race and Education.

Lau, M. C., Tian, Z. & Lin, A. (2021). Critical literacy and additional language learning: An expansive view of translanguaging for change-enhancing possibilities. In J. Z. Pandya, R. A. Mora, J. Alford, N. Golden, R. de Roock (Eds.) The Handbook of Critical Literacies. Routledge.

Lau, S. M. C., & Van Viegen, S. (Eds.). (2020). Plurilingual pedagogies: Critical and creative endeavors for equitable language (in) education. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Lau, S. M. C., & Van Viegen, S. (2020). Plurilingual pedagogies: An Introduction. In S. M. C. Lau & S. Van Viegen (Eds.), Plurilingual pedagogies: Critical and creative endeavors for equitable language in education (pp. 3-22). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Moore, D., Lau, S. M. C., & Van Viegen, S. (2020). Mise en écho des perspectives on plurilingual competence and pluralistic pedagogies: A conversation with Danièle Moore. In S. M. C. Lau & S. Van Viegen (Eds.), Plurilingual pedagogies: Critical and creative endeavors for equitable language in education (pp. 23-45). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Van Viegen, S., & Lau, S. M. C. (2020). Philosophy, principle and practice - ‘3Ps’ to implement plurilingual pedagogies. In S. M. C. Lau & S. Van Viegen (Eds.), Plurilingual pedagogies: Critical and creative endeavors for equitable language in education (pp. 323-339). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Lau, S. M. C. (2020). Emotional labour in critical language teaching and research: The power of feeling in collaborative action research. In K. W. Clausen and G. Black (Eds.), The future of action research in education: A Canadian perspective (pp. 158-170). McGill-Queen’s University Press. 

Lau, S. M. C. (2020). Translanguaging as a decolonization project?: Malawian teachers’ complex and competing desires for local languages and global English. In Z. Tian, L. Aghai, P. Sayer, & J. L. Schissel (Eds.), Envisioning TESOL through a translanguaging lens global perspectives (pp. 203-228). Springer.

Lau, S. M. C. (2017). Classroom ethnography on critical literacy teaching and learning. In S. A. Mirhosseini (Ed.), Reflections on qualitative research in language and literacy education (pp. 77-90). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. 10.1007/978-3-319-49140-0

Non-Refereed Books and Book Chapters

Chan, R. E., Cheung, B., Donlon, T., Lau, M. C. & Mak-Au, A. (2001). Poetry for language teaching and learning. In A. Mok (Ed.), Task-based learning, language arts and the media: A resource book for secondary English teachers. INSTEP, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.

Lau, M. C. (1997). Poems for language activities. A. Mok (Ed.) English language enrichment programme: A resource book. INSTEP, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.

Lau, M. C., & Chan, W. K. (1996). Postmodern youth. In T. L. Yiu (Ed.), [Entering a new era: The challenges, transformation and development of children and youth services] (pp. 15-24). Hong Kong: Specialized Committee on Children and Youth Services, The Hong Kong Council of Social Services.

Non-Refereed Book Reviews

Lau, S. M. C., & Tian, Z. (2020). Book review - Mandarin Chinese Dual Language Immersion Programs, by Ko-Yin Sung & Hsiao-Mei Tsai (2019). Journal of Immersion and Content-based Language Learning, 8(1), 137-140. doi:

Published Conference Papers

Clausen, K., Lau, S. M. C. & Gardner, M. (Ed.). (2018). The Canadian Association of Action Research in Education 5th Annual Conference Proceedings, Ottawa, ON: The Canadian Association of Action Research in Education.

Lau, S. M. C. (2008). “Their beautiful long legs are our selling point!”: The “synopticon” of the star-making promotion campaign of English private tuition schools in Hong Kong. In G. Tchibozo (Ed.), Proceedings of the Paris International Conference on Education, Economy and Society (Vol. 2, pp. 349-359). Strasbourg, France: Analytrics.

Lau, S. M. C. (2007). Critical literacy: Toward a poststructural integrative approach. In M. Federman (Ed.), Proceedings of The 7th Annual Dean's Graduate Student Research Conference: Diverse Perspectives in Education (pp. 93-108). Toronto, Canada: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/ University of Toronto.


Lau. S. M. C. (2012). Mae Sot Educational Project evaluation report on teaching English-as-a-second-language training of student volunteers: A critical approach. Bishop’s University- Champlain College (Lennoxville)—a report submitted to the Pathy Family Foundation for the critical action research project I did on the Mae Sot Education Project in 2011.


Mok, A. T., G., Chung, M. & Lau, S. (2007). Creative language learning series (S1, S2, S3). Hong Kong: Aristo Educational Press.

Creative Works

Lau, S. M. C. (2021, December 20). The lure of white subjectivity. [Blog post]

Lau, S. M. C. (2020, April 19). Language in the times of COVID-19: To unite or to divide. [Blog post]

Lau, S. M. C. (2019, December 16). “But what is your real name?”: Honoring transnational students’ complex agentive acts of identity negotiations in (re)naming practices. [Blog post].

Lau, S. M. C. (2018, Nov 15). Stickiness of language and culture: Identity in the making [Blog post].

Lau, S. M. C. (2016). Foreword. In L. McTeigue, B. Juby-Smith, & I. Desbiens, S. M. C. Lau (Eds.). Home to home – An anthology of children’s writing (p. 8). Quebec, Canada: PréciGrafik.

McTeigue, L., Juby-Smith, B., Desbiens, I, & Lau, S. M. C. (Eds.) (2016). Home to home. Quebec, Canada: PréciGrafik.

Lau, S. M. C. (2013). Foreword. In M. Irving, B. Juby-Smith, & I. Desbiens (Eds.), Do it right: The ABC’s of children’s rights - An anthology of children’s writing (p. ii). Canada: Lulu Press Inc.

Lau, S. M. C. (Ed.) (2012). From Burma to Mae Sot: Stories of myself. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Wanida Press. [Edited Book—anthology of Burmese children’s bilingual stories and artwork with foreword written by J. Cummins, Canada Research Chair in Literacy Education]

© 2021 by Sunny Man Chu Lau PhD.

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