Centre for Integrated Plurilingual Teaching and Learning
The Centre for Integrated Plurilingual Teaching and Learning (CIPTL) aims to advance integrated plurilingual teaching and learning for critical education through engaging teachers in cross-curricular and cross-language collaborations. CIPTL serves the purpose of a research hub/lab to bring community stakeholders and local, national and international researchers together, in both physical and virtual environment, to engage in a range of related research and knowledge mobilization activities. Through university-school partnerships, joint inquiry through participatory/action research allows not only for co- development and generation of critical, creative teaching and evaluation models but also situated teacher education and development to build relationships and capacity for sustainable change in practice and identity. CIPTL highlights three intersecting objectives:
1. Contextualized and actionable plurilingual pedagogies for critical education
To advance plurilingual pedagogies through partnering with teachers in cross-language/-curricular efforts to explore and generate actionable, context-relevant plurilingual pedagogies to support diverse learners’ complex, critical learning​;
2. Plurilingual approaches to assessment for ecological validity and equity
To build process- and learning-oriented assessment frameworks and methods that embrace an understanding of dynamic language use and distributed expertise afforded by technologies in physical and virtual spaces;
3. Critical teacher education for plurilingual pedagogies and glocal perspectives
To promote teacher preparation and development that foster glocal perspectives, compassionate civic engagement, and intercultural reflexivity to address the growingly connected, super-diverse classroom realities.