Sunny Man Chu Lau PhD
As a long-time ESL teacher/educator, Dr. Lau has designed and delivered curricula with specific purposes for English language learners across all levels in Canada and overseas. Specializing in second language and plurilingual education, she offers courses for pre-service ESL teachers and those related to language and literacy at the graduate level.
Dr. Lau received a BA in Linguistics and Literature and an MA in Literary Studies from the University of Hong Kong, before receiving a Postgraduate Diploma in Education and an MEd in Sociology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She completed her PhD in Second Language Education at OISE/University of Toronto under the supervision of Dr. Jim Cummins.

Source: @UBishopsTLC on Twitter
Dr. Lau is Associate Professor in the School of Education at Bishop’s University and Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Integrated Plurilingual Teaching and Learning and an adjunct professor at Simon Fraser University. She also serves as a co-editor of Critical Inquiry in Language Studies. Before coming to Bishop’s, she worked as an instructor for the teacher education programs at OISE/University of Toronto and for TESL training at the York Catholic District School Board in Toronto.
Nominee for Bishop’s William and Nancy Turner Teaching Award (2020-2021)
Education Division Teaching Award - Bishop’s University (2017-2018)
Founders’ Emergent Scholars Award - International Society for Language Studies and Language Studies Foundation (2012)
Chief Executive Award for Teaching Excellence - Hong Kong Institute of Education (2004)